Meet Mike H. Mizrahi

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Have you ever had a sozo experience? If you’re not half Greek like me, you might not know that in Greek, sozo means, “to be saved from peril.” My sozo came in my late 20s, when my world was collapsing. Everything I held of value was at stake.

Mike H. Mizrahi

Mike H. Mizrahi

This rescue came quietly, without fanfare, in the wee hours of the morning. All alone in our living room, I prayed to be saved from myself. No cosmic revelations. No voices. What followed was a peace I hadn’t felt for over two years. And as the decades have passed, a transformation.

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Remember Mitch in City Slickers? Mitch desperately needed to find that “one thing” in his life that gave him purpose and meaning. If not for his wife insisting he go with two friends on a cattle drive to “find his smile,” he would never have taken the first step toward his sozo. My wife did the same for me. Told me to pursue my dream of writing. I was rescued from my ordinary life and invited into my passion; telling stories that I hope and pray will rescue others.

Did you see The Secret Life of Walter Mitty that came out a few years back? When I sit in front of my computer screen, I become a Walter Mitty, lost in a world of make believe and wonderment.

And like Walter, the daydreamer, I get to dream up everyday characters that need sozo. My dream for you? That you are sozo-ed again and again and again. By story. By life. By embracing the adventure that is all around you. Will you join me?