Mike H. Mizrahi: Historical Fiction Author

Are you like me?
I love a good rescue story.

Help me if you can, I’m feelin’ down
And I do appreciate your bein’ round
Help me get my feet back on the ground
Won’t you please, please help me.
–John Winston Lennon

Remember this song? Okay, I admit it. I’m hopelessly locked in a musical time warp, an unabashed fan of the Beatles. John Lennon was crying out for personal help during a troubled period in his life. Who of us hasn’t?

I have a passion for reading and watching great rescue stories. Tales of heroes and heroines who march headlong into danger at great personal risk for the sake of someone else. Like Samwise Gamgee, the faithful friend, and Frodo Baggins, the ring-bearer, in Lord of the Rings. Dorothy Gale of Kansas. The band of brothers who save Private Ryan. And Aslan, The Great Lion, from C.S. Lewis’s classic Chronicles of Narnia, to name just a few.

Tales about transformation. Hope. Love. Self-discovery. Sacrifice. And the dilemma as old as time—good versus evil. They draw us in because they’re about the human experience. Our experience. I seek to write stories that do the same.

So join your imagination with mine. Sit back . . . relax . . . and journey with me.

The best news of all? I believe—no matter where you’re at right now—that rescue is coming, because your life is an awe-inspiring story still being told. And in the final chapter you will be rescued, because the best is truly yet to come.

Deliver me from the mire and do not let
Me sink; may I be delivered from my foes
And from the deep waters.
– Psalm 69:14

The Latest From Mike H. Mizrahi

Assassination Attempt

How did you respond? We don’t watch Trump rallies, so we were unaware in real time until we noticed a text minutes later from a local Young Life representative. We turned on the TV and viewed the tape in horror. Being old enough, I flashed back to the assassinations of President John Kennedy, Senator [...]

On birthdays and growing older…

The fireworks have been for me all along, right? I celebrated another birthday on July 4th. Always loved sharing my birthday with America—the fireworks have always been for me—so I decided I’m going to pass into glory on…July 4th, many years from now. Hey, stranger things have happened. Like this…the Declaration of Independence was [...]

Our love affair with roller coasters!

It continues! “C’mon, Mike,” you might be saying. “Don’t you have anything more relevant to write about?” Well…yeah. But the date of June 16, which landed eight days ago, got stuck in my brain last week for reasons other than Father’s Day. It so happens, on June 16, the year of our Lord 1884, [...]

They’re [still] coming to America…

Are we still a melting pot? “On the boats and on the planes, they’re coming to America. Never looking back again, they’re coming to America.” - Neil Diamond Words from a rousing anthem that induced pride in country a generation back. The melting pot. The idea was such that a schoolkid could understand it. [...]